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This site is for elections in the Republic of Ireland

Conor Murphy

Conor Murphy


I believe Govt. has forgotten meaning of democracy & we have lost trust in Govt. EU seems to want more pandemics, war & migration. I feel we have lost Irelands right to self-determine its future. We appear compromised. We need a clear-out, a reset led only by strong qualified Non-Party MEPs/Leaders.


  • Immigration

    I feel our Govt. have"SMUGGLED" 500,000 (albeit good/kind) persons into Ireland behind our back, no consultation, no infrastructure, 12,500 homeless.

  • Economic policy

    We must close our borders NOW until the EU funds new hospitals, schools, universities, asylum facilities etc.. We WILL not fund WAR.

  • Defence

    This is complete nonsense, Russia's gas/pipelines were being abused. There is NO Threat to EU, war is big business. Ireland is Neutral

These answers were provided by the candidate

EU integration
1 of 21 questions
European integration has gone too far
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Integration seems to mean huge migration & what feels like reverse colonisation of Ireland. We may even be outnumbered in the future & our Ireland is gone. Let us not inadvertently forsake our hard-fought Independence & self determination via seemingly well-meant increased migration/pandemics policy"

- Conor Murphy

EU enlargement
2 of 21 questions
It would be good if Ukraine joins the EU in the next five years
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Thats fine but with zero social welfare from our Govt. If they & others come here it must be to contribute with jobs already secured and resultant taxes, cultural addition, sporting and IT capability etc. "

- Conor Murphy

Economic policy
3 of 21 questions
Corporation tax rates should be fully harmonised across the EU
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Agree 100%, capitalism has become really bad. It's just greed and selfishness and even corruption. In European Countries which are Socialist, people feel more a part of a team, have greater ownership, interest, kindness & pride in their Country & Govt. "

- Conor Murphy

Economic policy
4 of 21 questions
The EU budget should be increased, even if this means wealthy countries paying more
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Absolutely, for sure we can afford it, BUT only following a Referendum such that Govt sets-out, a PLAN, how much, for who, for what, we must want the deliverables of that expenditure. Socialism yes BUT only with strong competent control, transparency & reconciliation of all expenditure."

- Conor Murphy

Commission President
5 of 21 questions
Ursula von der Leyen should receive a second term as Commission President
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "I am not sure; more pandemic, war & migration focus, more control by Big Business/WEF/Davos more dilution of Ireland, its people and our hard-won Independence, perhaps not, BUT only if a Referendum in Ireland can decide/veto new leader, there are leaders much worse than Ursela vd Leyen. "

- Conor Murphy

6 of 21 questions
EU member states, including Ireland, should collaborate more on defence and security
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "No, we are NEUTRAL, we DO NOT want to be a target and we will not be, we have no desirable resources bar our enviable tax legislation and beautiful countryside, people, character and traditions & skills."

- Conor Murphy

7 of 21 questions
The EU should have a common army
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "I don't agree, Russia are trying to protect their interests from a non-EU country. We must only want to be part of an EU for Good; Migration, WHO Pandemic Treaties & War support are an EU for which there is no support NOR PERMISSION from the Irish People. We must review any positions already taken "

- Conor Murphy

8 of 21 questions
The EU should finance more weapons for Ukraine
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Absolutely NOT, we have done way too much already offering 100,000 Ukrainians lucrative homes. If its WAR related, we MUST say NO. Let Russia secure its gas molecules, contracts, obligations and pipelines and let's get peace in Ukraine via negotiation not war."

- Conor Murphy

9 of 21 questions
Ireland should retain its ‘triple lock’ rule for deploying troops
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "I am neutral on this just right now. "

- Conor Murphy

Foreign policy
10 of 21 questions
The EU should suspend its trade agreement with Israel
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "I agree, Netenyahu & the Israeli Parliament has committed an atrocity (but so also I feel was Iraq, Syria, Libya). War to procure reserves is not right. Check out award of gas licences if you doubt me. EU trade sanction would have a material impact & may help procure peace."

- Conor Murphy

Foreign policy
11 of 21 questions
Each member state should have a veto on EU foreign policy
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "100% agree: Until the EU manages to prove itself as being in the interest of the common good of ALL the EU people in a fully democratic & transparent manner. As with our own Govt, CONFIDENCE is eroded. We must move to a world where our MEPs are only representative of the wishes of the Irish People."

- Conor Murphy

12 of 21 questions
Ireland should participate in the EU’s new migration pact
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "No, borders to be closed right now, until we get on top of migration to date. We must be strong on this. We must have a transparent formula setting out the amount the EU contributes for each migrant & then have time to deploy that amount SUSTAINABLY & not as overpaid windfall to local hotels! "

- Conor Murphy

13 of 21 questions
Member states should share responsibility for asylum applications in the EU
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Yes lets have one centrally managed asylum centre where at least people are not homeless but are safe and fed and can educate in order that they may be processed beneficially for all concerned into the state of their choice provided they are fully committed to integration (& no nepotism/corruption)"

- Conor Murphy

14 of 21 questions
The EU should operate search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Yes 100%, we cannot have these poor people dying at sea. They can have a choice, be returned home asap or move to a safe European asylum from where they can graduate towards citizenship"

- Conor Murphy

15 of 21 questions
Ireland needs to do more to ensure asylum applicants have suitable accommodation
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "12,500 homeless is sad, tragic & symptomatic of bad management. There is a euro 52 million budget to build an asylum centre & its not done. Recall Corrib, $1bn became a $6bn nightmare 10 years late. I HATE graft, corruption, kick-backs, it means compromised persons & loss of objectivity & trust."

- Conor Murphy

16 of 21 questions
There should be checkpoints at the border with Northern Ireland to limit the number of asylum seekers coming to Ireland
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "100%, my suggestion is CLOSE all borders, build big world class asylum centre for migrants already here, stop and search for paperwork, no paperwork then to asylum where one can stay OR go home or work to graduate oneself eventually to citizenship"

- Conor Murphy

17 of 21 questions
The EU’s Nature Restoration Law, requiring rewetting of peatlands, should be adopted
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "No I don't feel this is a priority. There needs to be common sense applied to CO2 emissions. One volcano for example has enormous emissions. We absolutely should head for Net Zero but not only for any of the usual reasons but because greenhouse gases can alter methylation (on/off) of our DNA/Genes. "

- Conor Murphy

18 of 21 questions
The EU’s goal of a 55% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is too ambitious
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "It is always better to have a stretched rather than soft target, we must reconcile progress across all countries and we must share learnings and standardise across the solutions delivering most material reductions"

- Conor Murphy

19 of 21 questions
More windfarms (including onshore windfarms) should be built in Ireland
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Yes why not, lets keep going, we are doing well & if we can use them to modify planning restrictions so much the better. We should adopt Europe best in class planning law. The beauty of Europe, there are many versions, we just need to fast follow the best, it's simple & away with any self-interest."

- Conor Murphy

20 of 21 questions
Ireland should continue to seek special treatment for Irish farmers on the Nitrates (water quality) directive
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Look its simple, its always 80/20, the Pareto Effect. Let's focus on measures and changes that will have the greatest material reduction on emissions. If Nitrates is part of the 20% having an 80% consequence then we continue, otherwise we should drop it. "

- Conor Murphy

21 of 21 questions
The EU should reduce subsidies for high-emissions farming, such as beef and dairy
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • No opinion
Comment: "Perhaps yes, I am sorry, but subsidies distort competition & surely at this stage, beef especially should stand on its own two feet. Then if people want beef they just have to pay more for it. No one expects the farmers to operate at a loss. Then increase family credits."

- Conor Murphy