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This site is for elections in the Republic of Ireland

Q1. European integration has gone too far
European integration is about countries collaborating more closely through the EU, and transferring more powers to the EU level. Some argue this is necessary to tackle shared challenges like climate change and for economic stability. Others think integration has gone too far and the EU has too much power over member states.
Q1. European integration has gone too far
  • Diarmaid  O'Conorain

    Diarmaid O'Conorain

    Irish Freedom Party

    Economic integration was reached long ago. The EU now seeks legal harmonisation, the erosion of a nations legal individuality. It is no longer simply a trade union and free travel zone, it now intrudes on Irish self determination. - source: candidate

  • Aisling Considine

    Aisling Considine


    Aontú believes in European cooperation on trade and economics but believes that we need to devolve more power to the nation states and increase democracy and self-determination. - source: candidate

  • Conor Murphy

    Conor Murphy


    Integration seems to mean huge migration & what feels like reverse colonisation of Ireland. We may even be outnumbered in the future & our Ireland is gone. Let us not inadvertently forsake our hard-fought Independence & self determination via seemingly well-meant increased migration/pandemics policy - source: candidate

Neither agree nor disagree
Niall Boylan

Niall Boylan


source: candidate

Sinead Gibney

Sinead Gibney

Social Democrats

source: candidate

  • Clare Daly

    Clare Daly

    Independents 4 Change

    Trade integration has benefited Ireland. But there have been major downsides- e.g. CFP has been catastrophic for Irish fishing, state aid rules hamstring public investment. EU began as a peace project, but is moving towards defence union. We cannot surrender neutrality in the name of 'integration'. - source: candidate

  • Daithí Doolan

    Daithí Doolan

    Sinn Féin

    Lynn Boylan

    Lynn Boylan

    Sinn Féin

    "Ireland’s place is in the European Union, but the European Union does need to change. The EU is far from perfect but the only way to address that and change it is from within. Our policy towards the European Union remains one of critical engagement." (2020 General Election Manifesto) - source: party statements

  • Brid Smith

    Brid Smith

    People Before Profit

    The issue is not integration or not – but how the EU is structured. There is too much corporate influence at the moment. - source: party

Ciaran Cuffe

Ciaran Cuffe

Green Party

source: party

Brendan Ogle

Brendan Ogle


source: candidate

Barry Andrews

Barry Andrews

Fianna Fáil

source: candidate

  • Stephen O'Rourke

    Stephen O'Rourke


    European integration provides valuable economic and social benefits. However, we must ensure that it respects national sovereignty and addresses local needs effectively. - source: candidate

  • Umar Al-Qadri

    Umar Al-Qadri


    European integration has bolstered Ireland's economy through enhanced trade, investment, and access to a broader market. It has benefited our nation, however we must also seek sovereignty in regard to Migration Pact due to our geographical position and limited resources. - source: candidate

  • Robin Cafolla

    Robin Cafolla


    We want to see further integration on stronger workers’ rights, introducing a pan-European Universal Basic Income and on tackling climate change. However, we also believe that the financialisation of Europe has gone too far. The EU cannot be an instrument of austerity benefiting only the wealthy. - source: candidate

  • Aodhán Ó Ríordáin

    Aodhán Ó Ríordáin

    Labour Party

    We are committed to the EU as a peace project through sharing sovereignty, support reform to make it more social and democratic, and believe the EU architecture must adapt to new realities and challenges. - source: party

  • Regina Doherty

    Regina Doherty

    Fine Gael

    EU membership has been highly positive for our country. Fine Gael is the party of Europe. Our MEPs are at the heart of European policy-making, ensuring that the benefits of EU membership are felt in every part of Ireland. - source: party

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